PROHIBITION OF COMMUNICATION (SESSION 2024-25)-HINDI   |   COMMENCEMENT OF CLASSES AND FEE SUBMISSION SCHEDULE (SESSION 2024-25)-HINDI   |   BBA,BCA & B.Com.(H) COMMENCEMENT OF CLASSES AND FEE SUBMISSION SCHEDULE   |   Welcome Letter   |   Project Grant from CST, UP   |   Checklist and fee structure of BBA BCA and B Com   |   Checklist for Girls Hostel   |   Checklist for Boys Hostel   |   Download Arpan and Miscellaneous Form For Students and Faculty   |   LUAMCAT   |   Approved and Unapproved faculty list - March 2022   |   BBA BCA BCOM (H) Fees Structure

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Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Management is one of the leading institutes of higher education in India. Our college stands for top notch under graduate programs(BBA & BCA) in Lucknow. We offer a spectrum of degree programs in domains like Computer Application and Management. It's sister concern SRMCEM(Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges) which has been rated as one of most appreciated institutes of UP Technical University Lucknow, also offers an undergraduate program in Engineering like Bachelores in Technology(B.Tech.) in various stream such as Computer Science(CS), Electronics and Communication(EC), Information Technology(IT), Electrical and Electronics(EN) and Mechanical Engineering(ME). It also runs postgraduate programs like Master in Computer Application(MCA) and Masters in Buisines Administration(MBA).

SRMCM strives to achieve excellence in various Management and Computer streams. In order to achieve the superiority in education, SRMCM is making efforts in variety of ways for improvement and broadening of its basic faculty system, educational environment and other infrastructure facilities. We are commited in liveraging the facilities and the system to a word class standard and our goal is to provide acadmic and proffessional resourses to prepare our students to function as prominent and responsible members of cosmopolitan community.

Our Mission

To be one of the world's leading educational training and research institutes, an aim to produce a workforce of technocrats and managers who could serve the society by making an impact in changing global scenario of technological advancement.

Strategic Actions

We will engage in the following actions to achieve our mission:

  • Advocate for student success.
  • Provide opportunities for undergraduate scholarship.
  • Solve meaningful problems through collaboration.
  • Improve student learning through innovation.
  • Leading the state and nation in stem education.